Sunday, October 19, 2008

Conscientious Sequentials: The Comic!

Maybe that's not what I'll call the book, I dunno. But those of you who have been reading this blog or checking out the site know that I put together a 24-page comic yesterday. I wrote and penciled it already, and am going to be inking, scanning and lettering nonstop to get it done by Tuesday or Wednesday, at which point I'll be offering it for sale online. However, like the Steal Back Your Vote comic that I helped spearhead for Greg Palast, I'll be offering this comic for the low, low price of "Whatever you want to pay." Paypal me anything from a penny up to, and I'll send you a PDF, DOC or CBR of the finished book. I'm going to donate half of the proceeds, so when you contact me, let me know if you'd like half of whatever you pay (unless it's a penny, those I'll keep) to any of the following:

Comic Book Legal Defense Fund
The HERO Initiative
Ralph Nader for President
The Palast Investigative Fund
ComicRelated (I'll give it to Chuck for equipment and such)

If you have another charitable or political organization you'd like to make me donate to, let me know. I'm not picky. These are the ones I'm already working with, but if you want me to donate to Obama/McCain/Greenpeace/the NRA, I'll do it. It's your nickel and really the idea of the "splitting the money" is to make myself feel like more of an activist and less of a whore. Anyone who buys a comic and doesn't specify where the money goes, I'll be splitting up whatever I make between those groups and handing it out (I don't expect it to be much, so you small publishing types can save yourself the headache of saying, "This'll probably be two bucks a group," or anything smart like that).

Contact me at if you want a sample of the art (it'll be a day or two) before you buy. In the meantime, I'll be working on a solicitation for the issue so that y'all know what you're looking at. That'll be on the blog and the boards by the end of the day.

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