Saturday, October 18, 2008

24-Hour Comic Book Day Status Update

So I've got 8 pages loosely penciled and laid out. There's a basic script for two stories--the first, five pages, is already finished and the second is about halfway drawn, which will be 8-10 pages. After that, I'm not sure what I'll do to fill out the remaining pages and hours, but it'll probably involve inking what I've got to that point and brainstorming while I do so. I expect to do the lettering later this week, once the art has been scanned, but I'll upload a text for the stories to the blog(s) once it's completed.

The first story is "World Without a Crusader," wherein a whiny Democratic voter who bemoans "why Ralph Nader ever bothered us in the first place" is taken by a Serling-like, suited companion to a world where Ralph Nader was never born--someplace where Americans are fatter than hell because there's no nutritional information anywhere, ignorant of any number of government activities because there's no Freedom of Information Act, and still dying in the tens of thousands from preventable road injuries and food poisoning because Nader wasn't there to hassle General Motors or the FDA.

The second story revolves around Cap'n Internet, and the first time HTMLad was old enough to vote. Since my current Cap story is going to get rid of the kid sidekick, this is the last time we'll actually see him on-page unless I decide to make him not-gone, but that's not foreseeable.

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