Saturday, June 6, 2009

Hal Jordan Calls Out Superman as an Elitist

It's funny--when Infinite Crisis was new and on the stands, the scene that struck me the most was the one where DC's "trinity" of characters split, after Batman declared that the last time Superman inspired anyone had been when he was dead.
The funny thing about it, is that I'm a Superman guy. My entire "mature" comics-reading life, I have been. I loved Kingdom Come and I came back to comics after a hiatus when Supes died. Now James Robinson--whose Superman comics I haven't been reading becuase they don't, after all, revolve around Superman anymore--is writing Justice League, a miniseries wherein a number of Justice Leaguers and other DC Universe heroes start their own team and pursue bad guys in a proactive, aggressive fashion. It's retribution, not really justice, and so a lot of what founder Hal Jordan says is nonsensical on the face of it...but the panel at left is one of those great moments
where you really see the superhero as a human being and understand a little of what he's facing every day. It makes Hal more real, and even though it's a little bit petty, you know it to be true. Think about high school and how everything that happened was always viewed through the lens of the small handful of cool kids who ran the athletics teams, the student government and the activities. That's Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman.
Of course, a little of the strength of his argument is undermined when he makes sure to include Supergirl and Batwoman on "his" Justice League, which according to interviews with Robinson was "to make sure we got those logos on the book" or something like that.

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