Saturday, June 6, 2009

Decrypting Terry Moore's Echo

So the second book of Terry Moore's Echo is coming this week (Echo: Atomic Dreams), and so I re-read all of the first two trades before talking to Terry about #11 and #12 last week. Here's one thing that I noticed which, somehow, I had managed to skip over: at some point, bounty hunter Ivy sneaks into Julie's room, is looking around and finds a box hidden at the back of a high closet shelf. She feels around and eventually opens it. She peers in, looks baffled for a second and then says something along the lines of "This is going to be more fun than I thought."
This hasn't yet paid off in the story.
What I wonder; Does the logo on the box (pictured at right) have anything to do with it? Can anybody out there identify this logo, possibly as a Greek or Roman character a la the Phi letter on the front of the Beta Suit?
I suspect that it's just a generic logo of some kind that Terry made up so that the box wasn't suspiciously devoid of markings...but it kinda popped out at me (no pun intended) and I wanted to see if, given the fact that there's a meaning behind what's on Julie's breastplate, maybe there's also some meaning behind what's in her closet that we can divine by looking at this symbol.
Any reader who can tell me what I'm looking at with any degree of accuracy will get a signed copy of Echo: Moon Lake, the first trade in the series (signed by Terry Moore, not by me). This isn't because Terry supports this blog post in any way, but because I have one to give.

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