Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Blue and Gold

So, following the revelation at the end of Booster Gold #27, I decided that Booster Gold: Blue and Gold was something that needed to be read through again. I did pick up on a few things that might be worth mentioning, but not worth an actual story, so...BLOG!

First of all, I noticed that there was a lot of items on Rip's blackboard that are, or seem to be, already explained:

  • "The Perfect Peter Platinum isn't so perfect" - That guy appeared in Booster Gold #1,000,000
  • "Listen to Libra - The Prince will fall on his sword." - J'Onn? Makes sense, given the time of the issue (I think), but why call him "The Prince"?
  • "Why, Captain Atom? Why?" Given his role in Countdown, as Monarch, I'm guessing that's what's being referenced here.
  • "Jean-Paul Valley Lives," immediately followed by "That's not him" was likely foreshadowing a new Azrael, which we've seen the fruit of already.
  • "Trigon = Red herring" was actually the central plot point at the end of Booster Gold #24 and 25 - the last story written before "Blackest Night".

There still hasn't been a story to follow up on Rip Hunter's claim that he knows better than anyone else that you can't save people who are "supposed" to be dead, however badly you want to. It'd be interesting to know what the intent was there, and whether Jurgens still intends to follow up on Katz and Johns's idea. And there also hasn't been a direct follow-up on Jon Carter/Supernova calling Black Beetle "Joshua." While the throwaway line of his being from wherever he wants to go, whoever he wants to be, can pretty much make that irrelevant, it's the only time he's been referred to by a name, and it's by an ally, not an enemy, so he may have less of a reason to lie to Jon.

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